GSK Mock Assessment Centres

GSK mock assessment centres evolved from a comment made several years ago by one of our new apprentices. They talked about how the application process was quite complex, but the worst part was the assessment centre as they had no idea what to expect and therefore couldn’t prepare. The STEM team recognised just how valid that comment was, particularly as more and more companies were starting to incorporate assessment centres into their recruitment process.

We looked at several options and came up with the idea of running a mock assessment. This gives young people the opportunity to participate in a cut down version of the real thing by taking part in three activities. The first is a practical assessment which involves following instructions given as part of a demonstration, then using basic tools to replicate the task. This gives an insight into their listening skills, attention to detail and hand/eye coordination. The next is an individual test where the candidate receives written information and must make decisions based on the data. This shows how they interpret information and use it to make decisions. The final activity is an interview skills workshop where candidates are taken through the process of using the STAR format to prepare responses to interview questions based on their own experiences.

Each assessment centre is capped at 15 participants. This ensures each segment is kept to a small group and everyone gets a chance to take part. As GSK apprentices are always involved in delivering the mock assessments, participants get the opportunity to ask them lots of questions. This is particularly useful if they are considering applying for an apprenticeship, but regardless of their career choice, mock assessments offer young people a great insight into how large organisations recruit which will hopefully benefit them in the future. Anna Jamieson, Contract Manager