DYW Ayrshire Skills Conference 2023

The purpose of the event is to give local employers the opportunity to hear about the support available to upskill their current and future workforce whilst also giving a platform to allow them to speak about the challenges in recruiting in their sector and help to identify any gaps that our partnerships can address.

For this event we will be focussing on 3 sectors: Built Environment, Engineering and the Visitor Economy. We appreciate there are many other sectors facing similar challenges and see this event as the start of many to come.

We will also be welcoming along a number of our innovative schools projects to showcase their pathway options for the above sectors.

The proposed agenda is below, *however exact timings of speakers are subject to change.

For those travelling from the Isle of Arran may not be able to make the start due to ferry times however please be assured that you will be welcomed in whenever you arrive. Notes will be taken of the main speakers talking points so nothing will be missed.

Proposed agenda is as follows:

9am- Registration, tea/coffees

9.30am- Welcome from DYW

9.35am- Speaker 1 *

9.50am- Speaker 2*

10.05- Ayrshire College*

10.15am- Skills Development Scotland*

10.25am- Speaker 5*

10.40am-Speaker 6

11am- Workshops

12.30pm Close/Lunch

If you are interest in attending, sign up via eventbrite here.